Diego has always wanted to be party. I’ve had Diego since 2009, I was 19 years old and I’m now 31. Got him off of Craigslist for $200 in Chicago. He has been with me through relationships, 8 yrs of school, my marriage and divorce, moving to Colorado. I have so many stories of this dog- getting skunked, chasing horses through electric fences, hit by a car, part of the house party at 4am. He had heart surgery, a little dabble in cliff diving & even some bull fighting & still never showed one ounce of aggression & always had a willingness to please. He has been the most loyal and long term relationship I’ve had in my entire life. He’s been there for me more than anyone else I know. I wish everyone can take just a portion of that love and care and loyalty for others and put it back into the world. I honestly lost my best friend. Now get to chasing those rabbits and eating all the bones you can ever want. It’s Forever You & Me. I Will Always Love My Lil D. Thanks for Everything